What have I been up to?

Happy New Year!

Like most of the world the last few years have been a learning and growing experience for me. First came the pandemic which changed how and where most of work, then came the learning how to work when and where. For myself, that transition was rather seamless, I work in software testing. As long as I have a computer, VPN access, and a stable internet connection, it’s not a problem. So, I started working from home on Friday, March 13, 2020; and work I did!

Since then, I have grown in my company and started do a lot of cool new things with testing and creating test scripts. I’ve become a fan of CodeceptJS and working from home has given opportunities that I didn’t have before as a father.

I have started reading books on modern day stoic philosophy and started playing with home automation. Both of which are topics that I’m going to start writing about here as I come back into blogging. My hope is that you will not only enjoy reading about them, but also learn something new along the way. These topics will be in addition to my conversations about software testing and management.

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