Failed Tests Are Better With Screenshots

Code on screen

When your test automation is running fine, everything is great with the universe!

Then it happens. A test cases fails and your trace isn’t entirely clear as to where it failed.  Even when the trace is clear, you still have to walk through the test steps to capture a screenshot for the bug. Imagine being able to capture screenshots at the moment of failure.  

Imagine no longer!

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Snippet: Using a config file for CapserJS and PhantomJS

Code on screen

Today’s Code Snippet is for using a JSON configuration file with CapserJS and PhantomJS.  I have been using JSON configuration files with my test automation for a while now to help manage test URLs, user agents, users, etc.  It is a great way to make your automation more flexible and update settings for an entire application.   Below is an example of how your configuration file would look.

Continue reading “Snippet: Using a config file for CapserJS and PhantomJS”