On the Topic of Failure 

Failure is important.
Losing is important.

At some point in our lives, we were losers, whether at a board game or a soccer match, etc. That loss taught you something. It changed how you played the game.
Failure is the same way.

In the software community we say “Fail fast” for a reason. Try something, if it fails then let it fail fast. Don’t throw more resources at it.

Failure in business and in life, is better to do fast. Don’t agonize over failing, because when you do, you fail to learn the lesson.

Take your failures and your losses and learn from them. Improve and try again. Always try something new and learn.

Not ALL ideas will win at the first try. Sometimes, the concept is right but the timing or execution is wrong.

So fail at something.

Reflections on Testing – Listening and Questioning

Man in suit drinking coffee.

When I started my first QA job, it was my third career. At that point I had been in IT (with a side of document control) and a help desk technician was my second career. Each position taught me something about myself and dealing with people. I learned how to deal with angry people by being calm, how large companies handle desktop machines, and what 24/7 up time means on your personal life.

I wasn’t a great listener.

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